Who doesn't like the sweet sound of music? Sure, silence can be blissful but even if you aren't a huge music lover, I'm sure you can appreciate it as an art form and how it really does have the power to alter our moods. On this note, I wanted to share some of my favourite songs for when I need a boost of positivity, when perhaps I'm feeling flat or low and need something to get me back to feeling happy and just generally in a better mood! It was difficult to whittle it down to 10 but here they are, in no particular order... Love Come Down Evelyn "Champagne" King ​ What better era to turn to for feel-good music than the '80s?! I genuinely cannot listen to this song without either singing it out loud or dancing around my kitchen with no inhibitions (most of the time it's the two combined.) ​ ​ This Girl ​Kungs Vs. Cookin' On 3 Burners A recent hit and one of my favourite all time songs, genre aside. I love the build-up in this song and the trumpet playing is absolutely top-knotch - just seems to do things to my body. ​Sunchyme Dario G Another oldie; this makes the list because I have SO many memories of my Dad and I just going crazy and dancing around the kitchen together when I was younger, singing along at the tops of our voices. For some reason I see this as a song that could unite the most random crowd of people in dancing together and loving life. Three Little Birds Bob Marley Obviously this song had to be on the list. If I'm stressed or anxious about something, this song is great to get me feeling calm and more positive. It kinda makes the world seem like a better place in general. Never Give Up My Pride ​Luciano Reggae is a genre I really like and definitely brings about happy and chilled vibes. This song is all about the peaks and troughs of life but that you gotta keep going and, you know, never give up your pride. Up and Down ​Kattison This is a seriously catchy song. I dare you to listen to this without moving. Walk Into The Sun Maverick Sabre Another life-affirming song to lift the sprits. Maverick's got some good advice although I wouldn't take the 'walk into the sun' thing literally as doing that erm, might not put you in such a good mood... Dance The Night Away The Mavericks If you've escaped an undesirable relationship, this song is great. In general though it's super fun and will make you really want to go out grocery shopping immediately (see music video.) Love Never Felt So Good Michael Jackson Couldn't resist a bit of Michael Jackson. Another one of those songs that makes you think everything with the world is right. Days Like This (Spinna & Ticklah Club Mix) Shaun Escoffery This is a pretty long remix but I absolutely love taking long walks or riding my bike whilst listening to this song, I just picture blue skies and beaming sunshine and a sort of euphoria...worth a listen. So there you have it! Quite enjoyed compiling this list of songs so watch out for more Playlists de Rhi coming soon... Happy listening! ​