I know it's a tad late but...Happy New Year! I hope everyone has been enjoying the worst month of the year but hey, there is still much to look forward to over the next 365 days. I'm not really one for new year's resolutions; I find that I tend to forget about my resolutions after pretty much the first month. Instead, I like to set goals that I can work towards throughout the year, and today I thought I would share my goals for 2018 with you guys as you might find it interesting, inspiring, or maybe you're just curious! #1 Complete a dissertation and graduate from university This is definitely number one as I have been at uni for the past 3 years and we are on the home stretch now! I am currently working on my dissertation (there is still some way to go, heh) but I am excited to actually have completed a huge piece of work that me, myself and I fabricated from thin air. Uni has been one of the best things of my life and although I have so many fun memories collected over the past 3 years, I am kinda itching to get out and start lots of exciting new things. Graduation will be one of my proudest moments so *fingers crossed* I make it to the finish line! #2 Pass my driving test Driving is another thing I have been working on over the past 6 months or so. Driving has not been easy for me - I definitely do not have a natural ability behind the wheel and as someone who struggles with multi-tasking and is not the most coordinated, I have a real struggle! That's why I will be super proud of myself once I pass because it is definitely one of the hardest things I've had to work on in my life. I'm not set on getting a car any time soon, but having a licence will be one less thing to worry about and being able to drive is definitely a useful skill that will come in handy in the future. #3 FINISH a novel I know this is ironic, considering I am posting all of the novels I never managed to finish on this blog, however I am absolutely set on finishing the novel that I am currently working on and boy, will I be happy once that happens!! I am slowly learning how to be less of a perfectionist and actually get something done that I can then edit, because I have a tendancy to write slowly and polish things as I go along. This is not really a practical way of going about writing, especially writing a novel. #4 Travel I travel every year but I am really excited to be planning a big trip that I will hopefully be going on towards the end of the year. Being free from uni will mean I have more time to dedicate to doing what I love, and although that does require a bit of dolla, I am definitely up for working my butt off in order to see more of the world! And blog about it of course... #5 Continue making my blog and YouTube channel better and better Speaking of blogging, improving laviederhi.com is another one of my goals. I am hoping to post more and more as time goes by and that also goes for my YouTube channel, where I want to put better and more frequent content. #6 Continue being socially conscious, try being more of an activist for the environment and being a more confident person! I'm always looking for ways that I can improve myself, whether that's how I act in my environment, with other people or even just for myself. I feel like I am developing a lot more of my own opinions and ideas and I really want to be able to share them, however I sometimes hold back and am often afraid of being judged or upsetting people. It's time to be more true to myself and to understand that the more I put into life, the more I'll get out. Thanks for reading! What are some of your goals for 2018?